Copy the server assembly content to the directory C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution of the Exolution server. It must contain the following files.
C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution\ExolutionPrimaryService.exe
C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution\ExolutionViewer.dll
C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution\RuntimeParams.xml
C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution\Settings.xml
C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution\Flattener\Flattener.exe
Replace the yellow highlighted values in the Settings.xml file with the appropriate values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SQLServer Value="ReplaceWithEDDSDatabaseServerName" />
<PortalDB Value="EDDS" />
<ESConnStr Value="http://ReplaceWithElasticSearchMachineName:9200" />
<Port1 Value="9588" />
<Port2 Value="9589" />
<UseHttps Value="true" />
<DNS Value="ReplaceWithDNSValueFromCertificate" />
<IsCertificateSelfSigned Value="true" />
<CertificateThumbprint Value="ReplaceWithThumbPrintFromCertificate" />
<IntegrationGatewayType Value="Embedded" />
<IntegrationPlatform Value="Relativity" />
<NoRelativityProxyOnExolutionServer Value="true" />
<ExolutionServerLocalNetworkIP Value="ReplaceWithExolutionServerLocalNetworkIPAddress" />
<RelativityEndPointURI Value="ReplaceWithRelativityAPIPath" />
If ElasticSearch is installed on the Exolution server computer than use http://localhost:9200 as value in ESConnStr tag above.
Browse ESConnStr in a google Chrome browser. It will return a page that looks like the one below if the elastic search is running and accessible.
Ports 9588 and 9589 should be the ports dedicated to Exolution. Check the port number availability with the following command in the command prompt prior to assigning ports. If the command returns nothing then the port is available, or else it is already in use. Please configure and use another port if any port is not available for Exolution.
netstat –ano | findstr 9588
netstat –ano | findstr 9589
The result should look like the below.
Install certificate intended to be used for Exolution in the following stores.
- Personal \ Certificates
- Trusted Root Certification Authorities \ Certificates
Open a command prompt with administrative privilege. Register the certificate to be used by Exolution using the following command on the command prompt.
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash= ReplaceWithCertificateThumbPrint appid={b7acddf8-7452-44ab-829c-4f59762d34aa}
In the command prompt, go to C:\Program Files\Litexn\Exolution and then run the following command
ExolutionPrimaryService -install
It should return the following.
On successful installation, Check the service recovery is set to auto-start.
Open the Services console, right-click on Exolution Primary Service, and click Properties.
Set the service Logon account to the Exolution Service account and recover to Restart the Service.
Restart Exolution Primary service. Check the service is functional by opening the link http://localhost:9588 in the web browser. It should display a page like below.